Saturday, July 12, 2008


Rebecca Bastian said...


Ok, that is just beautiful.

Zachariah Bauer said...

gouaaaaatche? this is going in a good way jack. did anything ever develop with that game company that made you build/texture the barn?

Meg Metzger said...

D: that's awesome! It's great so see you working in gouache, and it looks nearly as good as your digital. Keep it up!

Jack said...

nearly? nearly!?

haha, just kidding. thanks meg (ang zach and becca.) i'm glad you guys are looking over my shoulder post-graduation, it makes me want to draw more.

Megan Russell said...

This is super nice, Jack.

I really like it.

Kate said...

oh hey wow, I hadn't checked the ol' blog in a while, apparantly.

This is really great!